Sr. Marlene Miller, OSB
Sister Marlene Miller, OSB
Sr. Marlene Miller, OSB, was born on December 5, 1943 in Decatur, IL. The second of four children to Frank and Margaret (Arnold) Miller, Marlene was raised with her siblings Frank, Marguerite and Michael. She was baptized on December 12, 1943 at St. James Church in Decatur. Marlene attended 1st – 9th Grades in Greenview, IL, and 10th – 12th Grades at St. Mary’s Academy in Nauvoo, IL.
As a young child, Marlene was diagnosed with polio in her arm, and for many weeks shared a ward with six other girls at St. John’s Children’s Contagious hospital in Springfield, IL. With the help of a home tutor along with physical therapy and chiropractic visits, Marlene recovered but the experience left a lasting impact. “When people suffer, they learn compassion and that has never left me,” shared Sr. Marlene.
Marlene was accepted at St. John’s School of Nursing, and remembers not feeling happy when her acceptance letter arrived. “I spoke with the monastery’s prioress, Mother Clarisse, who encouraged me to talk with my parents and pray about the decision,” Marlene shared. She felt a total peace about the decision, and when talking with her parents, Marlene’s Dad said “well, whatever you choose, we’ll support you.”
Sr. Marlene entered the St. Mary Monastery community in August of 1961, made her first profession on June 15, 1963, and her perpetual profession on June 15, 1968. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Education from St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa in 1971.
An educator in Illinois for four decades, Sister Marlene served at St. Boniface, Peoria, Holy Family, Peoria, St. Anthony’s, Atkinson, Holy Trinity Bloomington, and St. Peter and Paul, Nauvoo.
In 1974, a tragic car accident involving Sisters from St. Mary’s Monastery taught Sr. Marlene the brevity and life, and that God has a plan we do not always understand. Traveling home after meetings in Peoria, Sr. Marlene was one of four Sisters involved in a fatal collision just three miles from Nauvoo. When a drunk driver crossed the median and hit their car head on, Sister Mary Jo Donovan (a history teacher and dorm prefect) died at the scene, and Sister Fabian Reimbold, Community Treasurer, died at the hospital two days later. Sr. Marlene survived with minor injuries. Although her Sisters in community were very supportive, Sr. Marlene struggled with the question of ‘why did I survive?’ when two important people in the community did not survive.
At St. Mary’s Academy in Nauvoo, Sr. Marlene served as Dean of Women from 1976 – 1997, and was a member of Nauvoo City Council from 1974 - 1988. When the community relocated to Rock Island, her ministry included Subprioress and House Coordinator from 2004 – 2012 and House Coordinator from 2012 – 2020. Currently Sr. Marlene serves as Volunteer Coordinator and Department Liaison.
Sr. Marlene’s favorite prayer is “Instruments of Peace” by St. Francis of Assisi, her favorite song is “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring”, her favorite book is “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl, and cookies are her favorite food! She celebrated her 50th Jubilee of Profession in June, 2013.
Reflecting on the entirety of her life’s ministry, Sr. Marlene added, “I’ve loved all my missions – the students and their parents, the principals, co-workers, pastors and parishioners have been a tremendous blessing to my life.”