Our Mission and Values
Our Mission
We are the Sisters of St. Benedict, a monastic community formed by the Gospel and the Rule of St. Benedict. We seek God and create sacred space within self, community and the world, so that we are instruments through which love, justice and peace are manifest and God is glorified.
Our Values
In prayer we listen and open ourselves to the awareness of God’s presence within us and in all creation. Communal and private prayer is a primary part of our daily lives.
We live together according to The Rule of St. Benedict. We care for each person as Jesus did by being present, listening to, respecting and forgiving one another.
We welcome everyone we encounter with respect and reverence as valued by God. In gratitude we share the gifts we have received with a joyful spirit.
Peace and Justice
The promise of God’s peace is rooted in loving respect for all people in their diversity. Justice is recognition that all deserve just and fair treatment.
Care of Creation
We are called personally and communally to appreciate and care for God’s creation and preserve it for the common good of all people.