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Palm Sunday: What Do You Make of It?

Catholic Benedictine Sister Mary Jane Wallace says Palm Sunday has a split personality, going from joyous to horrifying without taking a breath. How do you fit in?

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Bad Hair Days

Today's Gospel story (John 2:13-25) is called The Cleansing of the Temple. But Benedictine Sister Mary Core often thought it might, more aptly, be called “Jesus' Bad Hair Day.”

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Lenten Resolution Ideas

The Catholic Benedictine Sisters of Rock Island, Illinois share some of their own Lenten practices, in the hope that they may help you choose your own.

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Ready for Life!

Sister Mary Jane shares a 5-step prayer to help her - and maybe you, too - be ready for life.

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Joining the Magi in Our Own Search

Sister Catherine Cleary says, "We too are searchers, or at least could be searchers, not just for the star but for Christ." Don't miss her Epiphany reflection.

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Why Pray?

Why is it necessary to pray, if we believe that God knows our thoughts, loves us thoroughly and gives us all that we need? The Rock Island Catholic Benedictine Sisters share their insights.

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The Gift of Christmas

We continue a short series written by Benedictine Sisters on what Christmas means to them. Enjoy!

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Love and Peace

We continue a short series written by Benedictine Sisters on what Christmas means to them. Enjoy!

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