On Your Journey into 2019, Trust Your Inner Voice
Benedictine Catholic Sister Bobbi Bussan compares our journey with that of the 3 wise men as we begin 2019.
Baptism: One Bread, One Body
Benedictine Catholic Sister Catherine Cleary says baptism is NOT about sin, but about becoming One Body.
May You Be Jesus’ Hands and Heart!
Jesus' baptism is one of 3 epiphanies that help us understand who he is. Benedictine Catholic Sister Mary Core shares a little history and inspiration as we close the Christmas season.
Where Are Your Stars Leading You?
Catholic Benedictine Sister Mary Core reflects on what Epiphany means on a personal level.
Sister Audrey Cleary, OSB, 1940-2018
Catholic Benedictine Sister Audrey Cleary, OSB, of St. Mary Monastery in Rock Island, IL died December 31, 2018.
Resolve to Pray
Benedictine Catholic Sister Catherine Cleary says the best New Year's resolution is to make time every day for prayer.
Seeing Out the Old Year, Welcoming the New
In the optimistic anticipation of better things to come, we celebrate the New Year AND the Solemnity of Mary on January 1.
Silent Night, Holy Night
Benedictine Catholic Sister Mary Core shares the Christmas traditions of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, IL
Be Strong, Take Heart
Benedictine Catholic Sister Bobbi Bussan says Advent has broken open her prayer to be strong and take heart.
Advent: Time Stands Still & Soul Meets Creator
Benedictine Catholic Sister Jackie Walsh says her mom's death revealed Advent wisdom to her.
Waiting for Jesus (and Santa)!
Sister Marlene Miller remembers her childhood Advent and Christmas Eve.
Waiting for The One
A reminiscence of joyful anticipation from Catholic Benedictine Sister Sandra Brunenn, OSB
The Beautiful Light of Advent
Benedictine Oblate Juanita Ghere shares what Advent means to her.
Advent: Journey into Mystery
Catholic Benedictine Sister Marianne Burkhard shares her childhood memories of Advent in Switzerland as she prepares once again for Christ to enter the humble manger of her heart.
An Advent Task: Clearing Out Clutter
Benedictine Oblate Susan Ryan says her spiritual practice this Advent is to clear her house (and heart) of clutter!
Advent: Not a Passive Waiting Time!
Benedictine Catholic Sister Susan Hutchens shares the meaning and purpose of Advent.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy students acted out the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the Benedictine Sisters of Rock Island.
Advent: Embrace Each Wintry Moment
Benedictine Oblate Spencer Gillespie suggests we enter the wilderness within and without this Advent, to align ourselves with the Coming One.
Advent: What Happens after the Birthday Crumbs have been Swept Away?
Benedictine Oblate Sharon McNamara asks what, exactly, Advent should prepare us for.
Your Invitation to Advent, Christmas Services
Join the Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, for special celebrations.