In Heaven with a Little Baby
Sister Mary Jane Wallace shares her thoughts as she meets her cousin for the first time.
Encounter in the Wilderness
Hospitality is a key value of Benedictine life, and encounter is the act that begins it. Sister Stefanie MacDonald shares thoughts from her hermitage as she makes her retreat at Christ in the Wilderness in Illinois.
Who Will You Become?
Sister Mary Core, OSB says change is another word for “life.” In Benedictine life, it's called conversatio ... and it means to open ourselves to becoming more like Jesus.
Sister Marianne to Retire from Marriage Tribunal
As Sister Marianne Burkhard retires from canon law ministry, she shares some thoughts about her work at the Peoria Diocesan Marriage Tribunal.
A Transcendent Vision of a Workplace as a Worthplace
Rock Island Benedictine Oblate Jan Gull reviews Michael Rock's book, St. Benedict's Guide to Improving Your Work Life.
What to Read This Summer
The Benedictine Oblates of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, share some spiritually uplifting book suggestions.
Sister Rose Joseph Kennebeck, 1929-2018
Sister Rose Joseph Kennebeck died May 15 in her beloved St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island. Here's her obituary.
Pentecost: Where Fear Gives Way to Faith
Catholic Benedictine Sister Catherine Cleary says Pentecost calls us to a new beginning, where fear gives way to faith, and timidity to bold proclamation.
Dancing in the Rain with our Sisters and God
Challenges will come in all our lives. We will face difficult times. What’s important is how we respond to them; how we choose to live through them. Benedictine Sister Stefanie MacDonald shares her thoughts.
Spring Around the Grounds
Enjoy some spring photos from around the Catholic Benedictine Sisters' grounds in Rock Island, IL.
Heaven is Closer Than We Think
Spring rebirth awakens our senses to heaven, but it is here and now, says Benedictine Sister Mary Schmidt of Rock Island, IL.
Creating the Beauty We’re Called To
The Catholic Benedictine Sisters of Rock Island, IL say living a creative life matters to body, mind and spirit. Here's how they do it ... and suggest you might, too.
Christ’s Love in Action: The Benedictine Way
Read how friends of the Benedictine Sisters have witnessed the Benedictine version of Christ's love in action.
Lectio Divina: An Ancient Tool to Seek God
Learn how to read Sacred Scripture with your heart, following this ancient Benedictine practice.
In the Spring Garden with Sister Mary
Dig into the spirituality of gardening with the Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island, IL.
Rooted in the Heart of God
Catholic Benedictine Sister Ruth Ksycki says the long, cold and cloudy days of early spring bring a chance to dig deeper into the love of God.
A Civil Rights March in Nauvoo, IL
On the anniversary of Dr. King's death, a look back at how the Benedictine Sisters worked for - and continue to work for - ALL God's children.
Our Own Road to Emmaus
Sister Mary Core says resurrection moments - personal Emmaus experiences - will burn within our hearts, inviting us to know ... and change.